Investir : aides de la Région Aquitaine

Territorialized Economic Aid (A.E.T.) of the New Aquitaine Region used to finance, among other amenities, du matériel de cuisine, des véhicules de tournées, des brevets et licences. Merchants and artisans of Brive and its agglomeration are entitled to it !

They are addressed to Small and Medium Enterprises creation, developing or which are set, and used to finance productive investment is immaterial (patents, licences) either hardware.

The equipment investment concerns such equipment for shelving, kitchen equipment (fours, fridges, refrigerated display, trancheuses, robots…) machine tools, vehicle routing, unregistered vehicles, equipment for hairdressing and beauty ... out of office automation equipment and software.

Note that in terms of real estate, under the law OuR, the Region has jurisdiction to define the aid and decide their allocation. Since 1is January 2016, this mission is now devolved to municipalities or their group with their own tax.


Les entreprises, installées en Territoire Ouest Corrézien*, doivent relever des secteurs de craft service and retail or some Industry sectors, handicraft production and service companies.

Les entreprises non éligibles sont les commerces de détail d’une surface de vente supérieur à 300 m², franchises, les auto-entrepreneurs, professions libérales.

*Le Territoire Ouest Corrézien comprend les communes de l’Agglo du Bassin de Brive et des Communauté de communes du pays de Pompadour et de Lubersac.


SALW Regional Council provides assistance in the form of grant. Son montant est déterminé selon des critères spécifiques :

  • Taux d’intervention : 20 % maximum on the amount of investment HT
  • Lower investment : 5 000 € HT
  • investment ceiling : 50 000 € HT


Animation Economique Territorialisée
Territoire Ouest Corrézien
05 55 20 89 20